Centralized SSH key management

Manage SSH keys per environment
Your team or organization may need to centrally manage several SSH keys that are used in production, staging, and development environment servers. With SloopEngine's centralized SSH key management facility, you can effortlessly create, update and rotate SSH keys for every environment. You can easily deploy those SSH keys on your servers using SloopEngine CLI.
Avoid sharing SSH keys with the team
Usually, your team members establish the SSH connection to production servers using the private SSH key shared with them. The private SSH key is just a flat file stored on their local machine and so it can be copied to any device without any intimation which is a potential security risk. With SloopEngine's centralized SSH key management you can provide controlled SSH access to the team without sharing SSH keys with team members.
Encrypted SSH key storage
All SSH keys that you manage with SloopEngine are encrypted and securely stored in our database. We also encrypt data at rest to ensure maximum security for your SSH keys. During SSH key-based authentication, the SSH keys are decrypted and loaded to memory. SloopEngine never stores your SSH keys on a flat file.