Easy to use online IDE

Manage source code access per environment
Provide code access to the developer team using SloopEngine's source code access management facility. With SloopEngine, you can manage Git-based source code repositories hosted on services like GitHub, Bitbucket, GitLab, and more. All you have to do is just create an access rule combining SSH key, server hostname/IP, and Git source code repository and then assign it to your developer team member.
Online IDE like web code editor
Your developer team members can launch a secure online IDE workspace backed by a server using the access rule assigned to them. While launching the workspace, the Git-based source code repository will be cloned onto your server, and the source tree will be loaded on an online IDE-like web code editor. For now, SloopEngine supports major programming languages such as PHP, JavaScript, Ruby, Python, and more.
Restrict code download to the local machine
With SloopEngine, you can completely restrict developers from cloning the Git source code repository to their local machine for software development purposes. Your developer team member can use the file browser on an online IDE to select and edit code files.
Save code changes to the server
All changes made using the online IDE can be persisted directly on your server. Opened files need to be saved in order to sync the code changes to the server. Your developers can make use of cheat sheets to use the online IDE effectively.