
FAQ on SloopEngine


What SloopEngine can do for my organization and teams?

Traditionally, each team within your organization would have to shell out funds for various software tools and services to manage their IT operations and teams. The managers of these teams would then attempt to integrate all of these disparate tools and services in order to track team productivity and manage their IT operations. Unfortunately, this approach often falls short, as the organization data becomes scattered across numerous different services and tools. This creates a significant problem for managers who need to monitor the productivity of their teams and manage IT operations efficiently.

For larger corporations, the costs of paying for multiple services and tools each month may be manageable, but what about smaller startup or midsize companies? These companies are gradually becoming more prevalent in the market, and many have to rely on funding from investors to cover their IT operational expenses. However, there are still many self-financed or bootstrapped companies that vastly outnumber their funded counterparts.

Thankfully, with SloopEngine, you can streamline your team management and IT operations, reduce monthly subscription bills, and eliminate duplication of work. No longer will you have to pay for multiple tools and services - SloopEngine provides all the necessary tools for team management and IT operations in one convenient location. By using SloopEngine, you can significantly reduce your IT operational costs, by up to 90%, and save valuable time by eliminating duplication of effort. If you're interested in learning more about how SloopEngine works, we highly recommend watching the demo video. It's a small investment of time that can yield significant benefits for your organization.

What problems can SloopEngine solve within my organization?

As a software manager, you understand the significance of safeguarding your source code from unauthorized access. However, the conventional methods of code management have a loophole where developers can download the code onto their local machines, which poses a potential risk of data leakages and misuse. This is where SloopEngine comes in handy, as it allows you to restrict the downloading of source code for development purposes completely. Additionally, SloopEngine facilitates efficient team management by organizing tickets as tasks, thereby boosting the team's productivity.

But that's not all; SloopEngine offers secure SSH access to your servers without sharing keys with your team members, enabling environment-level access control with ease. You can implement these controls without fretting over SSH key sharing and enjoy seamless tracking of your team's activities, thanks to SloopEngine's event-tracking mechanism. Furthermore, SloopEngine enhances logging and auditing on SSH connections, enabling you to live stream or playback connections launched by your team members.

In summary, SloopEngine is a comprehensive software management solution that can help you keep your source code safe and secure while ensuring better team management and tracking of activities related to your organization.

Who can become SloopEngine customers?

Any organization looking to simplify IT operations and team management are an eligible customer for SloopEngine. The size of your organization or company doesn't matter. Generally, SloopEngine is a solution for IT operations, team management, and access control, it could be used by:

  • Small and medium-sized businesses
  • Large enterprises
  • IT departments of different organizations
  • Cloud service providers
  • Software development teams
  • IT consulting firms
  • Educational institutions
  • Government agencies
  • Banks and Financial institutions

How to get started with SloopEngine?

Getting started with SloopEngine is simple. Go to the SloopEngine website and signup to create your new account. For more information, refer to the SloopEngine's getting started documentation.

What are highlights of SloopEngine?

  • Restrict developers from downloading the source code for software development.
  • More secure and efficient way to manage teams and track productivity.
  • Allows for the creation and management of projects, assignments, and tasks.
  • Track team events and infrastructure activities.
  • No need for server agents and browser plugins.

These are some of the highlights of SloopEngine, which provides a comprehensive solution for organizations to manage and secure access to resources, track and audit activity, and facilitate collaboration and productivity.

Is my data safe with SloopEngine?

Yes, your data will be secure in SloopEngine infrastructure. SloopEngine encrypts the data at rest and transit, which means your data is stored in an encrypted storage medium and flows through an encrypted network.

How SloopEngine handles my private SSH key?

SloopEngine decrypts the private SSH key and loads it into the memory while establishing an SSH connection to your servers. The private key gets deleted from the memory after the SSH connection is closed. SloopEngine never stores a private SSH key in the flat file.

Does SloopEngine store my credit/debit card information?

No. SloopEngine does not store or save your credit/debit card information anywhere. The entire payment process is handled through the payment gateway provider.